Advanced Learning Center

  • Campus

    Gnanagangothri Campus
  • Used By

    Students, Faculty / Staff, Alumni, Research, External Students


The Advanced Learning Center (ALC) is an initiative that offers healthcare professionals opportunities for continuous learning and enhancement of skills. The Center has two operational labs — the Medical Skills Lab and the Cadaveric Research and Training Unit. Undergraduate and postgraduate students undergo mandatory training at ALC. The basic and high fidelity mannequins in the Center are used to offer students training in basic as well as advanced life support. 

Students of the Faculty of Dental Sciences use the facilities of the ALC for training and research purposes. Resuscitation — an important skill for a dental professional — is also taught at the Center. 

ALC’s Cadaveric Research and Training Unit is a unique cadaver laboratory that houses donated human cadavers. These are preserved using special techniques that help tissues retain their natural texture, unlike the formalin-shrunken tissues found in regular dissection labs. This provides faculty members and students with the opportunity to train in advanced surgical techniques in the head and neck region, including procedures such as sinus lift, zygomatic and pterygoid and alveolar implants, TMJ surgical techniques, rhinoplasty, etc.